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Curious Projects

 Miscellaneous Experiments

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This page contains miscellaneous projects which may or may not ever amount to anything.
Arduino ESP32 powered WiFi HVAC Thermostat. Open source and open hardware

Arduino ESP32 HVAC Thermostat open source hardware

WiFi Thermostat coontrol from phone

 Arduino WiFi Waterbed Heater

Data log

Best WiFi Waterbed heater

Best WiFi Arduino ESP Waterbed heater

WiFi Waterbed heater Web interface
WiFi Doorbell Arduino ESP8266 WiFi Doorbell Notification PushBullet Web control Arduino ESP8266 WiFi Doorbell OLED weather alert
WiFi Uni-T UT181A Interface 

Uni-T UT181A WiFi Interface
UNI-T UT181A Software
WiFi Garage Door Opener Arduino ESP8266 WiFi Garage Door Opener
WiFi Car Sentry

This uses DeepSleep mode to wake up on an interval and send data to another computer or server.  Data includes car battery voltage, temperature/rh, a +12V signal, and a negative/sink.  2 sink outputs.  There's a pad for the wake pin (sink), which could probably be connected to the alarm.  The serial may also be used later for expansion.
Arduino super low power WiFi telemetry car battery monitor
Quick 6 setting timer.  Email for more info.

6 mode timer
A curious wireless data acquisition project.

A USB break-out-board is used to monitor RF transmitters (around $2-$3 for these TX/RX pairs), along with a 4 digit display doing the same.

Sensor boards transmit a unique ID plus data and checksum periodically or when triggered, and can run off 3-12V.  Coin cells, AA, N cell.  Range appears to be 30m at 3V to 600m at 12V.  12 months on a single 14500, except for the ultrasound device.

The ultrasound unit was made to detect vehicles.  Temp/humidity is used next to the HVAC thermostat.  Reed switch on garage door.  3 CDS cell on 3 lights on HVAC.  Doorbell.

Anything can be transmitted.  Digital logic such as switches, potentiometers/voltage levels (analog) have been tested.  Other sensors with SDA interfaces can be used.  PIR, IR, Hall effect, pressure sensor, gas, smoke, etc.
Wireless RF house sensor modules

Toys.  Just toys.
LED ring pendant earrings
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