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MiniCam :: A compact webcam app

Update   6/25/2024 Windows 10/11 DirectX version:  Adds mirror preview support and borderless window option.

Update 10/11/2018 Early alpha release Windows 10 DirectX version
This version uses DirectX 11 to encode mp4 or wmv only. GPS overlay is not yet implemented, but should record webcams with resolutions and time controls, with auto start and multiple cameras/instances like the original.

GPS DirectShow Filter, MiniCam and XOBD all in one file ->  <-

Contents: - GPS Video Overlay, a DirectShow filter which retrieves GPS and OBD-II data from Windows Sensor or XPort and/or XOBD, and imprints GPS speed, time, date, course, longitude, latitude,
                     MPG, RPM, AIT, CLV and other useful GPS data and OBD-II constantly monitored systems on the recorded video for playback of the video with embedded information.
  MiniCam    - Multicam or multiple video source capable webcam/video capture application with GPS filter support, and supports most codecs such as DivX, XViD, FFDShow, etc.
  XOBD        - ELM327 compatible OBD-II mediation utility, used by DSGPS and Compass.

Version History:
MiniCam 1.16 - Added support for Windows Sensors.  Can use XPort or Sensor for GPS data.
 11/11/12:MiniCam 1.15 - Resolution list changed to list all formats raw.  Should show H.264 in Windows 8
   6/26/11: MiniCam 1.14 / DSGPS 1.14 - Redesigned interface between the two for better handling of multiple cameras.
 12/30/10: MiniCam 1.12 - Fixed corrupt video when stopped by Windows shutdown or logoff.
  11/9/10: MiniCam 1.11 - MiniCam had a divide by 0 which may have been released when adding HD support.  All good now. Allows for higher FPS support now.
  10/16/10 XOBD v1.04 Added 115,200 baud
  10/10/10 XOBD v1.04 Added ELM323 compatibility
  6/09/10 MiniCam v1.08 Added "SetPos" copydata command
  6/08/10 XOBD v1.03 Final standby/resume fix
              MiniCam v1.07 Better multi camera support using USB port path association

How to use MiniCam:
1. Double-click RegisterGPSFilter.bat to register the GPS filter (You only need to do this once, even when updating the file).
    Note: For Windows 7, copy to C:\Windows\System32, then right-click RegisterGPSFilter.bat and run as administrator.
2. Run XPort and set it up if you don't have a sensor configured (For Windows 7 use GPSDirect.).
3. Optional: Run XOBD and set it up (requires ELM327).
      XOBD uses shared memory or a simple WM_USER message interface for anyone interested, and there's a partially complete DLL available.
4. Run MiniCam.
   Click anywhere on the video for the control icons.
   Run multiple MiniCam apps for multiple cameras, or use command line/shortcut parameters to specify camera (after running multiples and configuring manually).

Parameters: MiniCam <number> <NO/PREVIEW>
 Example: "MiniCam 2" for camera 2
                "MiniCam NOPREVIEW" to force no preview while recording

Settings for MiniCam
Preview while recording: Shows video when capturing
Start Recording:  Starts capturing when the application starts
Start Minimized: Starts with the window minimized to taskbar
Multi-File Record: Restarts capture when time limit exceeds
Always On Top: Keeps the window on top of other windows
Lock Aspect: Allows window to maintain aspect when resizing
Resolution: Lists resolutions and max FPS supported by camera
FPS: Selects preferred FPS
Enable GPS: Enables the GPS overlay (if installed)
Time Limit: Max time limit per file (0 = Unlimited)
File Limit: Max capture files to keep on disk (0 = Unlimited)
MB Limit: Max disk space to use, excluding current file (0 = Unlimited)
Archive: Folder to send clips to when archive button (Yellow folder icon) pressed.
   If last clip is less than 60 seconds, last 2 will be archived.  Continued clicking will archive more files. (If capturing, will resume with new file).

  F=fullscreen, R=record, S=stop recording, A=archive, P=preview, ESC=exit

CopyData Commands:
SetPos <left> <top> <width> <height>
Minicam webcam settings Windows 10 video capture 

Use Compass to playback GPS logs for testing.  Use XOBD tray menu for ODB-II playback.

Text has hard edges which easily causes artifacting for MPEG/JPEG, so setup should have a larger font than default and low compression.  This is XviD converted to jpeg.

   PngMagic configure


OBD-II Setup is easy.  Set the COM port to your ELM327 compatible device (it will initialize), enable "Start with Windows" from the menu in the taskbar and close the window.  The GPS filter and Compass will automatically connect with it.

Reset ELM resets the COM port, and restarts the init.  Just in case it ever gets hung up.  Hopefully not.
The "ATE0,ATH0" is the initialization set.  These are comma delimited and sent after ATZ.
If you know your protocol, set it here for faster startup, i.e. "ATE0,ATH0,ATSP3"
The checkbox next to "C:\OBDLog\OBD" enables logging.  The "DTCs 2" will probably show something else for you. :-)  It shows DTCs, system status and has a reset (clear DTC) button.

"Replay Log" in the menu will replay an OBD-II log.  Useful for testing Compass skins mostly.
XOBD configure

Example insertion of DSGPS into a capture+preview graph as viewed by GraphEdit:

DSGPS GraphEdit

DSGps Object GUID:

#include <initguid.h>
DEFINE_GUID(CLSID_DSGPS, 0x8b4a194c, 0x61f, 0x4e53, 0xbe, 0xe5, 0x8, 0xb5, 0x51, 0x29, 0xcb, 0x9d);

 Beta DLL for interfacing with XPort and XOBD

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