PngMagic - a simple JavaScript based image maker, batch
image processor, and possibly a replacement for Windows Gadgets that's actually
Version 0.27: 2-16-17 Fixed OBD2 bugs
Version 0.26: 10-30-16
Implemented WebSockets (use
Version 0.25: 6- 6-16 Http request queue fixes.
Version 0.24: 10-20-2015 Bugs added. Bugs
Version 0.23: 10-12-2015 Added Media, Gps, Obd objects.
Version 0.22: 9-11-2015 Added Http object.
Version 0.21: 6-11-2014 Added search.
Version 0.20: 2-17-2014 Bugs in the Save As.
For 9-patch information see
For fixing locked png transparency pallets use the FixPng script.
Download (32-bit)
If you like it, please consider donating on the home page.
![]() |
Double-click from the list to edit a
script. Any changes are automatically
saved. Drag images to insert full path at current position. Click Run to run them. New (also in context menu) to save current script and clear text editor (Unsaved will be in Untitled.js) |
Inserts: Select one, then right click and select "Insert Template"
in the context menu to insert it at the current cursor position. <Color> Inserts a Gdi.Argb(...) after color is chosen. Clicking on the image before inserting can set the starting palette color. <Filename> Inserts a 'Full path\\filename' or folder after chosen. <Font> Inserts a Gdi.Font( name, size, properties) after selecting OK on a font chooser. <x, y, w, h> Inserts last clicked position in image display. Click for just x, y, or press hold drag release for x,y,w,h. < x1, y1, x2, y2> Same as above but inserts absolute position for x2, y2. The rest are templates. |
General Helper Functions Red = optional | |
value = Pm.Argb(Alpha, Red, Green, Blue) Example: Pm.Clear( Gdi.Argb(255, 0, 0, 0) ) |
Pm.Beep( var ) Example: Pm.Beep( 0 ) // Default Windows beep |
btn = Pm.Button( 'ID', x, y, w, h ) // Sets a button region for click. calls OnCall('BUTTON', ID ) if clicked | |
Pm.Color( 'Item' ) = Rgb
// Set colors of different editor components Rgb = Pm.Color( 'item' ) // Items: Background, Text, Comment, Number, String, Function, Constant |
Pm.Echo( var )
// Displays text in output window Example: Pm.Echo( 'var i is ' + i ) // Display the value of i |
Pm.AnyScriptName( param1, param2... ) // Call a script from the Scripts folder. If params are given, it will run OnCall() in the script | |
Pm.PlaySound( File )
// Play a wav file. Same folder as exe or give
full path Example: Pm.PlaySound( 'C:\\Windows\\Media\\Tada.wav' ) |
Pm.Halt( ) Example: Pm.Halt() // Stop script/close window |
Pm.Show = true / false // Show / hide main window | |
Pm.SetTimer( time, [Script] ) Example: Pm.SetTimer( 1000 ) // Call OnTimer() every 1000ms |
Pm.Smoothing = 'Option'
// None or Low, High or AntiAlias, 8x8 smoothing = Pm.Smoothing |
Pm.Window( 'Name' ) // Creates new window. All drawing for script will continue there instead of default window. | |
Pm.CloseWindow( 'Name' ) // Close the named window. Can be used for external windows as well. | |
Pm.FindWindow( 'Name' ) // Finds a window, returns true/false. | |
Pm.CpuUsage // CPU usage in % | |
Pm.Memory // Memory free in % | |
Pm.NetTraffic( 'TX' | 'RX' ) // Network traffic in % | |
Pm.Volume = percent // Set / get system volume | |
Pm.Mute = true | false // Set / get system audio mute | |
File Operations | |
string = Pm.ReadFile( filename) // Read a file into string | |
Pm.DeleteFile( name ) // delete a file | |
Pm.DiskSpace( 'C:', ['size' 'free'] ) // Returns free space % of disk. Size in K or free in K | |
'Filename' ) Example: If( Pm.FileExists( 'C:\\Windows\\win.ini' ) ) Pm.PlaySound( 'Ding.wav' ) |
Pm.Log( filename, string ) // Appends a text line to the file | |
Pm.Run( filename )
// Run an exe Pm.Open( filename ) // Open a file with the associated exe |
name = Pm.BrowseFile( 'defaultFile', 'Title' ) // Request a filename from user and return it in a variant | |
name = Pm.BrowseFolder( 'defaultFolder', 'Tiitle') // Request a folder and return it | |
Drawing objects Red = optional | |
Gdi.Pen( ARGB,
Width, DashStyle|DashArray, DashOffset, DashCap) // Styles:
Solid, Dash, Dot, DashDot, DashDotDot - Caps: Flat, Round, Triangle,
Square, Arrow, SArrow, EArrow Example: Gdi.Pen( 0xFF00FF00, 1.0) // Green, smallest size dashes = new Array(20, 10) // Long lines with half spaces Gdi.Pen( Gdi.Argb(255, 255, 0, 0), dashes) // Red lines using the dash array |
Gdi.Brush( ARGB ) Example: |
X1, Y1, X2, Y2, StartARGB, EndARGB,
Angle )
// Example: |
PointArray, CenterColor, ColorArray,
CenterX, CenterY )
// Example: |
TileSize )
// Note: Current pen will inherit gradient Example: |
Drawing Functions Red = optional | |
Gdi.Clear( ARGB ) Example: Gdi.Clear(0x00000000) // Set background to black, transparent Example: Gdi.Clear(0xFF000000) // Set background to black, opaque |
Gdi.Line( StartX,
StartY, EndX, EndY ) // Uses last pen,
draw a line from start to end Example: |
Gdi.Arc( X, Y,
Width, Height, StartAngle, SweepAngle ) //
Uses last pen Example: |
Gdi.Bezier( X1, Y1,
X2, Y2, X3, Y3, X4, Y4 ) // Uses last pen Example: |
Gdi.Rectangle( X, Y,
Width, Height ) // Uses last pen Gdi.FillRectangle( X, Y, Width, Height ) // Uses last brush Example: |
Gdi.Ellipse( X, Y,
Width, Height ) // Uses last pen Gdi.FillEllipse( X, Y, Width, Height ) // Uses last brush Example: |
Gdi.Pie( X, Y, Width, Height, StartAngle,
SweepAngle ) // Uses last pen Gdi.FillPie( X, Y, Width, Height, StartAngle, SweepAngle ) // Uses last brush Example: |
Gdi.Polygon( PointArray,
CornerRadius ) // Use pen to draw
polygon (array[0] = x1, array[1] = y1, array[2] = x2, array[3] =
y2.....) Gdi.FillPolygon( PointArray, CornerRadius ) // Use brush to draw filled polygon using array object, optionally with rounded corners |
Gdi.Curve( PointArray, tension) // Use pen to draw
a curve Gdi.ClosedCurve( PointArray, tension) // Use pen to draw a closed curve Gdi.FillClosedCurve( PointArray, tension) // Use brush to draw a filled closed curve |
Argb = Gdi.Pixel( X, Y)
// Get value of pixel at XY Gdi.Pixel(X, Y) = Argb // Set pixel at XY |
Gdi.Font( 'Fontname',
Size, 'Style' )
// Set font for text Style: Regular, Bold,
Italic, BoldItalic, Underline, Strikeout Example: Gdi.Font( 'Digital dream', 12) // Set font to Digital dream, size 12, normal style |
String, X, Y, Alignment, Angle|Points
) // Draw text using current font and last brush. Alignment = 'Left' 'Center' 'Right' Example: |
String, X, Y, Fill, Alignment, Angle|Points
) // Draw outlined text using current font using
last pen (and last brush if Fill = true) Example: Gdi.Brush( Gdi.Argb(255, 255, 20, 255) ) // Purple brush Gdi.Pen( Gdi.Argb(20, 0, 0, 255), 1) // Blue pen 20 alpha, 1px Gdi.OutlineText( 'Hello', 10, 10, 8) // Draw purple Hello with soft blue glow (Fill > 1) = pen stroke radius |
Image Functions | |
FrameCount = Gdi.LoadImage(
Filename, 'Decompile' | Frame ) // Load an image (jpg, png,
bmp, gif, ...) Decompile decompiles a 9-patch png Example: |
X, Y, Width, Height, 'Option') //
Copy a section as an Image. Option: FlipX, FlipY, FlipXY, Rotate90FlipX
(90,180,270) (X,Y,XY) Example: |
Gdi.RotateImage( X,
Y, Angle, Size
) // Draw the image,
at XY, rotated at Angle, stretched to Size maintaining aspect Example: |
Gdi.DrawImage( X,
Y, Width, Height
) // Draw the image (Width only = specify
size w/correct aspect | Width + Height = stretch) Gdi.DrawImage( X, Y, 'Play' ) // Play an animated gif (loop only) Example: |
value = Gdi.ImageWidth
// get current image width/height value = Gdi.ImageHeight Example: Pm.Echo( 'Image size is ' + Gdi.ImageWidth + ' by ' + Gdi.ImageHeight ) |
bool = Gdi.IsCompiled // True if last loaded image is a compiled 9-patch (Will be false If .9 and not compiled, but 9-patch will be generated) | |
Gdi.Save( Filename,
X, Y, Width, Height, 'Option')
// Supports png, jpg, tiff, bmp (Option: 'Compile'
a 9-patch png or 'Clone' last loaded 9-patch) Example: Gdi.Save( 'TestImage.png') // Save the current image to the current directory uncropped |
xStart, xEnd, yStart, yEnd, PaddingTop, PaddingBottom, PaddingLeft,
// When saving, use 'Clone' option This sets 9-patch data programmatically instead of drawn, but can only do 1 pair per X/Y. |
value = Gdi.Width
// width and height of window value = Gdi.Height Gdi.Width = width // set new width/height Gdi.Height = height |
Gdi.Download( 'http://url',
[filename]) // Reads a file off
internet. Returns path/filename saved Example: name = Gdi.Download( '', 'google.html' ) |
Effects Uses full work area if no dimensions set | |
Gdi.Blur( Radius, ExpandEdge , Left, Top, Right, Bottom) // Radius in pixels (0-255), ExpandEdge = true/false | |
Gdi.BrightnessContrast( Brightnes, Contrast, Left, Top, Right, Bottom) // Brightness +/-255, Contrast +/-100 | |
Gdi.ColorBalance( CyanRed, MagentaGreen, YellowBlue, Left, Top, Right, Bottom) // Color Range +/-100, 0 = Unchanged | |
Gdi.HueSaturationLightness( Hue, Saturation, Lightness, Left, Top, Right, Bottom) // Hue +/-180, Saturation +/-100, Lightness +/-100 | |
Gdi.Levels( Highlight, Midtone, Shadow, Left, Top, Right, Bottom) // Highlight 0-100 (100=Unchanged), Midtone +/-100 (0=Unchanged), Shadow 0-100 (0=Unchanged) | |
Gdi.Sharpen( Radius, Amount, Left, Top, Right, Bottom) // Radius in pixels (0-255), Amount 0-100 | |
Gdi.Tint( Hue, Amount, Left, Top, Right, Bottom) // Hue +/-180, Amount +/-100 | |
Http Object | |
bool = Http.Connect(
'handle', 'https://server/path?params=values', 'GET/POST',
body, headers) //
Connect to a server bool = Http.Connect( 'event', 'ws://server/ws') // Connect to a server websocket // Example support code function OnCall( msg, handle, data ) { switch(msg) { case 'HTTPDATA': Pm.Echo( 'Data ' + data ) // Prints the data received break case 'HTTPSTATUS': Pm.Echo( 'Connect failed: ' + data ) // Error break case 'HTTPCLOSE': Pm.Echo( 'Connection closed' ) break } } |
Http.Connected | |
Http.Close() // Close any open connection | |
string = Http.IP // Returns IP of client connected to this server | |
string = Http.ParamCount // Returns param count from GET or POST request | |
string = Http.Params(n, bool ) //
n = 0 to ParamCount-1, bool = 0 for name, 1 for value string = Http.Params( "name" ) // returns value for name |
bool =
// Starts a server on the given port // Example support code function OnCall( msg, data, path ) { switch(msg) { case 'HTTPREQ': Pm.Echo( 'Req ' + data + ' ' + path) // Prints GET or POST and path of requested file if(path == '/ws') bWebSocket = true else Http.Send( "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found\r\n\r\n" ) break case 'HTTPSENT': Pm.Echo( 'File sent: ' + data + ' ' + path) // If an existing file in "http" folder was sent break case 'HTTPDATA': Pm.Echo('Data from ' + data + ' : ' + path) break case 'WEBSOCKET': Pm.Echo( 'WsData ' + data ) // Prints the data received Http.WsSend( 'Got it' ) // Sends data back to websocket break case 'HTTPCLOSE': bWebSocket = false break } } |
Http.Socket( IP or URL, port, [text to send] ) // Open a socket | |
Http.WsSend( data ) // Send data to to websocket client | |
Http.SendFile( path ) // Send a file to client | |
Media Object | |
Media.Duration // Duration of current file | |
Media.Pause // Variant for controlling pause | |
Media.Play( filename ) // Plays a media file (audio only ) | |
Media.Position // Position of current file | |
Media.Volume // Variant for controlling volume (0-100) | |
Media.Rate // Variant for play speed | |
Media.Stop() // Stop the player | |
Gps Object (uses XPort or Sensor automatically, or COM port ) | |
Gps.Altitude Gps.Course Gps.Direction(latitude, longitude, angle) // direction to point from current Gps.Distance(lat, lon) Gps.Latitude( 'String | Degrees | Minutes') Gps.Longitude('String | Degrees | Minutes') Gps.Log = true | false Gps.Open( port, baud ) Gps.Sats Gps.SatDat('Number | SNR | Elevation |Azimuth', sat number) Gps.Speed('Mph | KPH') // default=knots Gps.Valid |
Registry variants | |
Reg.key= value //
Save a value to registry as 'key' value = Reg.key // Retrieve value from registry |
COM port |
Com.Open( Port, baud ) //
Open a COM port Com.Write( data ) // Write data to port // Example support code function OnCall( msg, data ) { switch(msg) { case 'COM': Pm.Echo( 'Received ' + data) // Prints the data received break } } |
Notes: The entire JavaScript language is available excluding any html based extensions. All variants are persistent. As long as the program is running, all variants will remain the same the next time a script is run. So when running a script multiple times, the pen, brush, image, variables, strings, arrays, and work area will be the same as where the last script left off. Init.js is always run at start. |
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